Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory: The Recollection, Familiarity, and Novelty Detection workshop


23/03/2017 - 24/03/2017    
All Day

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Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory:

The Recollection, Familiarity, and Novelty Detection workshop

Dates:  23-24 March 2017

Location: University of Liège, Liège, Belgium

Keynote speakers: Stefan Köhler, Regine Bader, Patric Meyer, Emmanuel Barbeau, Akira O’Connor, Nikolai Axmacher, Daniela Montaldi.

Call for abstracts: Now opened; deadline: 20 January 2017.

We welcome presentations on any topic relevant to the field of memory. Please submit a 250 word abstract, stating preference for oral or poster presentation.


Registration and full information on

We look forward to seeing you in Liège.

The organizing committee: Christine Bastin, Eric Salmon, Fabienne Collette and Adrian Ivanoiu